Dude Jumps 40 Kilometers Off the Ground and Breaks a Couple of World Records Along the Way (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - October 17, 2012

I guess we should all call Felix Baumgartner the king of all skydivers after he went through with this amazing and record-breaking feat. It takes balls to jump out of a capsule at almost 40 kilometers off the ground. That's about 129,100 feet, if you're into the English system of measurement.

He had a lot of help, of course. Felix was wearing a pressurized suit that reportedly cost $200,000 to make when he made the jump. Apart from that, it was all pure madness. During his 9-minute descent, Felix traveled 1.24 times faster than the speed of sound and managed to land in one piece.

He also broke the world record for the highest manned balloon trip, highest skydive, and fastest skydive. Felix is also a bit of an Internet sensation too, given over 8 million people tuned in to watch him jump (which broke the record for the most people to turn into a live Youtube event!)

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