Don’t Worry R-Patz, Here Are 5 Other Cinematic Affairs That Started On Set

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bill-swift - July 27, 2012

Looks like Kristen Stewart is about as horny as Bella the night before her wedding to Edward. Stewart verified claims of infidelity yesterday by releasing an apology for her classy caught-on-film make-out session with her married Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders and in the process, breaking the fragile heart of her Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson and the millions of naive Twihards who still believed true love can exist.

Sanders himself was already married to the ubersexy non-emo modelLiberty Ross, who you can see topless photos of here. The couple had two young children together, so it looks like they're the real losers here, as one day Mommy will have to sit them down and explain to them that Daddy no longer lives with them because he's more attracted to pale skin and frowns.

Hey, love hurts. But to help Liberty and Robert through this tortuous time, here are 5 other cheating romances that burgeoned on set and ruined the lives of those involved.

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