Bierstick Solo Beer Syringe: Chug Your Booze Like There’s No Tomorrow

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bill-swift - April 9, 2013

The Bierstick is one invention that might one day replace the good ol' trusty beer bong. It's got a couple of marked advantages that will make you wonder how you ever partied without it before.

First of all, the Bierstick allows you to chug down 24 ounces of beer in two seconds--although that depends on how fast you can actually swallow. By swallow, I mean when you swallow booze, in case you were thinking of something else. Secondly, you can service yourself and get your fill without having someone else hold it for you. And by 'it', we mean the tube and the funnel, because neither are part of the Bierstick. Again, just in case you were thinking of something else.

I guess you could say that the Bierstick is basically a giant beer syringe. All you have to do is fill it up with beer, prop the end against a wall, and push against it when you're ready to drink, drink, drink! It probably looks silly (imagine guys lined up and pushing against something at the wall) but you'll probably be too buzzed to care.

Get It: $29.95

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