Amal Clooney Battling War Criminals and Looking Fabulous

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Lex Jurgen - March 13, 2017

Amal Clooney has been showcasing the plight of Iraqi people pillaged by ISIS marauders at the UN this week, while simultaneously producing a fashion show of $250,000 worth of maternity couture. Here's a hint, you're not supposed to comment on the Dior and Gucci labels. A writer for the telegraph noted that to do so, would be both sexist and an assault on the British Fashion industry. It's unclear which is worse.

The concept is simple. Clooney dresses like every night is the Oscars, pregnant in heels and decked out in to-die-for apparel, which will cause the United Nations and other audience members throughout the week to pay attention to her cause. Preserving war crimes scenes in Yazidi tribal Iraq. It does make sense. You don't want those ISIS barbarians to finally be captured only to skate by on pled down disturbing the peace charges.

The plan seems inane until you measure the coverage Clooney has received in the media the past several days. As George's wife, she's covered heavily regardless. But her legal work far less so. Is massive attention to her adorable maternity outfits providing any additional interest in her social justice for the Yazidi people of Iraq? You could examine the Google search records. What is that amazing dress Amal Clooney is wearing versus rape and mass graves Iraq ISIS. The answer would depress you. Put on something stunning. It's never a bad idea to look amazing.

Photo Credit: FameFlyNet

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