Sarah Jessica Parker Pushes Up Her Cleavage In Sexy Lingerie Commercial Shoot

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brian-mcgee - June 6, 2018

It's gotta be a tough life bearding for a famous male actor. Take Sarah Jessica Parker for example. She knows that husband Matthew Broderick has neither the time for nor the interest in her breasts anymore, so she's gotta get those girls some time in the spotlight so someone, somewhere will derive pleasure from them.

It only makes sense that SJP would sign some sort of lucrative contract to hock lingerie. She's got a great pair of breasts, it's really a shame she never showed them off. But it's really never too late to decide it's time to do nudity.

I also have to admit that her breasts look enormous. Like, substantially larger than I've ever seen. Maybe it's the magic of having really nice, supportive lingerie, or perhaps it's the years of raising kids that have just made those suck sacks more succulent.

Anywho, I'm glad that SJP is able to get her breasts out there in the headlines again and hopefully they'll be bringing lots of dudes to the brink of ecstasy, and not just her husband. Oh, who am I kidding, I don't think she's ever brought him to the brink of ecstasy.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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