Paris Hilton Asks Britney Spears for Marriage Tips

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bill-swift - December 19, 2006

Well, if you ever needed more proof that Paris Hilton is a complete moron, look no further than her choice of person to ask for marriage adivce: Britney Spears. According to, Paris Hilton told London's Daily Star newspaper that she is planning to marry on-again-off-again boyfriend, and Greek shipping heir, Stavros Niarchos.

It's true. I am going to get married. I want a fairytale wedding and Britney's going to be my matron of honor. She can advise me.

So, there you have it. The blind leading the blind. I'm sorry, that's offensive to blind people. I should say the retarded leading the retarded. Damn, that's offensive to retarded people. Well, you know what I'm getting at.

Now, let's see if the media can actually use some self-restraint, and ignore this publicity stunt of a wedding. As well as the inevitable honeymoon sex tape that will follow.

Photo credit: Flynet

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