Natalie Portman: Webcam Girl

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bill-swift - May 10, 2007

is proposing a continuous video feed of her work and personal life. One investor that met with her: George Zachary of Charles River Ventures, the former playboy who now gets his kicks by investing at extraordinary valuations.

Natalie Portman's effort appears more in the line of Lonely Girl 15, the Youtube character who recorded a spectacularly popular video diary from her fictional bedroom. We know this only because one of Zachary's colleagues asked, rather indiscreetly, on Twitter: "How big of an audience do you think natalie portman lifecasting could attract?"

Naturally, Charles River Ventures denies the story, and NewTeeVee has their spin on the story:

The VC firm denies the story -- "I have no idea if Natalie Portman wants to lifecast!," writes CRV's Susan Wu in an email to NewTeeVee. "It was a joke on my twitter that Valleywag turned into a story. I would find it absolutely absurd if she wanted to, considering she has a lot of attractive options."

Valleywag, however, did point us in the direction of this photo of Natalie Portman being lifted in the air by Tim Draper, founder of venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson, which was posted on Steve Jurevetson's Flickr page.

So, we know Natalie Portman is looking for cash in Silicon Valley, but what is it for? It seems hard to believe that Natalie Portman would broadcast her entire life over the Internet, especially since she is so notoriously private, and takes every precaution to avoid the Paparazzi (as evidenced in the photos below). Still, all I want to know is where do I send my $29.99 a month!?

Photo credit: Steve Jurevetson / Pacific Coast News / Bauer-Griffin / Splash

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