Lindsay Lohan is Afraid to Sleep Alone – Which Explains Everything – Except Why She’s Crazy

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bill-swift - August 4, 2007

We all know Lindsay Lohan is crazy, though why she is crazy is a matter still up for debate. Maybe it's the influence of her crazy parents, and their need to live vicariously through her and her fame. Maybe it's the constant attention that has turned her life into a fish bowl. Maybe it's all the drinking and drugs she keeps doing. Who knows, but as Us Weekly reports, here are some insights from Lindsay's interview with Elle magazine that may shed some light on just why Lindsay Lohan is so incredibly fucked up.

On attending rehab at Wonderland before her 21st birthday:

"I was growing up and going out a lot, and I needed to have a balance. I was glad I went, because I needed to get away from everyone and I didn't know how to do that. And I learned a lot there. A bunch of my friends - I was with them last night - they're in AA for, like, years."

On former fling Calum Best:

"I like him. He's me in male form. We're very similar. Stubborn, rebellious, very smart, coy, a little bit narcissistic - I think all actors have a little bit of that, and so they should. We'll be kidding around, like the other day when we were in the Bahamas ... I was walking by some mirror. And he caught me looking in the mirror and he goes, 'I caught that!' I was like, 'Damn, I look good!'

On the media firestorm surrounding her:

"I feel like the asshole, the idiot, because I feel like I'm distracting from the other things that are important, like global warming and that kind of stuff. I genuinely mean that. And I don't know what to do."

On avoiding fame:

"I hate it, like, when these people say, 'Well, why do you go to the Ivy if you don't want ...' Seriously, I like their food! I can't go to a restaurant? I know I'm going to get pictures taken. I'm fine with it. And I'm going to go have their food. People give you shit for it: 'Don't go on Robertson!' What, I can't drive down the street?"

On being photographed without underwear:

"It was once, and it was when I was in Venice. And I was rushing through the room, threw the Prada dress on. And that's what happened. And I didn't even see the picture. I don't look at that shit - that's gross. If I wear a dress I have underwear on."

On sleep troubles:

"I have really bad insomnia. My whole life. I get nervous at night going to bed, and being awake alone really freaks me out."

On her career aspirations:

"I just want to be nominated for an award for all the work I've done. It's so funny - people forget that I played two characters in Parent Trap when I was twelve years old."

On the media:

"If I'm wearing a nude thong, they retouch it. I fuck around on my computer - I know how easy it is. They make my face look swollen. I'm like, 'Are you that bored?' I hear things about the night before that never even happened. Like, they said I was dating my best friend - the Samantha Ronson thing. She's my best friend!"

Okay, so has that cleared up why Lindsay Lohan is crazy? No, not so much, but we definitely know she is. Here are some interesting asides: Lindsay thinks she's smart. Lindsay thinks she's the reason no one is doing anything about Global Warming. Lindsay is afraid to sleep alone. I'm no Psychiatrist, but I think they'd call that "fucking insane."

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