Lily Collins Cute As Hell, When Comes the Naughty?

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bill-swift - June 1, 2017

Lily Collins is on my list of beautiful women I want to run away with someday and let pay for our luxury hotel weekened somewhere in a European city whose name I can't begin to pronounce. It can go no other way.

The brunette model and thespianic hottie breaks my heart in so many ways. The first being her epic alluring female goodness. The second being how she was immediately cast as the good girl. Why the good girl? Why not the naughty naked hottie who drives men to do dangerously stupid things? She can still have that superpower while fully dressed in her typically conservative fashion, but oh so much better in more revealing costumery.

Lily, you have so much to offer by way of tingle inducing powers. Isn't the real crime to go half-in on this benevolence. Sure, you look amazing in a Lancome ad. But how about being naked on a bearskin rug for an Uncle Bill aroma commercial? My scent is always desperation. Enjoy.


Photo Credit: Lanco?me

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