Kylie Jenner Deep Cleavy Sheer Dress At The Sugar Factory

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bill-swift - June 24, 2015

From my understanding, the Sugar Factory is a candy store. And Kylie Jenner is in a an extremely low cut dress promoting the Sugar Factory in Miami because she is also candy. No, wait, she is a professional endorser of products in her off time from school and riding bikes around the neighborhood, maybe a little AYSO. Or maybe not.

To alleviate concerns that she was about to have a wardrobe malfunction of the most uncomfortably seventeen year old kind, Kylie wrote everybody on social media to assure them her top was covered and constructed for the evening with tape to maintain her modesty. I'm not quite sure it did all that. But I do know it did all that. Write me letters about how wrong I am. I read them, and then Kylie sends me a tally of her take for the evening and we all have a good laugh. There's the world we want and there's the world we have. In the latter, Kylie and her revealing tops are the royals. Enjoy.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI/Splash

Tagged in: kylie jenner,

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