Jessica Simpson is Depressed

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bill-swift - September 28, 2006

Well, like me, you might have thought that Jessica Simpson crying at Ashlee Simpson's Chicago premiere was due to the fact that Ashlee has no talent, and was probably unbearable to watch, but as it turns out, it's probably just good old-fashioned depression.

Yes, Jessica Simpson is in full-on depression mode, and her family isn't making it better. According to The Mirror, Jessica had a fit at Ashlee's premiere party, and Papa Joe Simpson let slip that Jessica is in a rotten mood.

Jessica Simpson stormed out of her sister Ashlee's party in London's Sound Bar on Monday night, shouting: "I don't want to be here - why won't people just leave me alone?"

Her dad Joe told us: "Jess is quite down at the moment. She's not comfortable talking to people as she's quite depressed and we're walking on eggshells."

I understand why Jessica is so sad. It's hard being a young, beautiful, rich, famous movie star and pop singer. I know that whenever I'm succeeding in life beyond my wildest dreams, I just feel so low, and sad. Really, there's nothing worse than having pretty much everything going for you. Trust me, you'd hate it too.

More Pictures of Jessica and Ashlee out on the town in London after the jump.

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