Jennifer Lawrence Provides a Male Ogle Worthy Experience in Glamour Magazine

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bill-swift - March 1, 2012

I could watch Jennifer Lawrence spit watermelon seeds and I'd be in heaven. In fact, I'd pay to watch that. The sextastic buxom young actress about to break big once more in Hunger Games, took to the pages of U.K. Glamour magazine just to show that even when she's posing for the ladies, there's still plenty of visual delights for the man-folk, even if we could use a bit more skin.

Ever since Jennifer Lawrence came onto the public scene a year ago now with her Oscar nomination she's been nothing but hour glass figure amount of awesome. We can only hope she doesn't get too caught up in goofy blockbuster films that she forgets her indie roots and the potential for nekkidness that lies within. Enjoy.

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