I Went to Miami Beach And All I Got Was This Gigantic Freak Eyeball

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bill-swift - October 17, 2012

I don't know about you guys out there, but my call girl's girlfriend's favorite movie of all time is Message in a Bottle. Remember that chick flick? It was about a woman who finds a message in a bottle on the beach from a guy to his wife and then pseudo-stalks him and everyone falls in love. Well it's a sappy romantic idea--finding a bottle on the beach with a message in it. Now think about how much better and kick ass that movie would've been if instead of a message in a bottle that was found on the sand, it was a mysteriously gigantic creature's eye.

A South Florida man found just that when he was strolling the beach and thought he saw a ball on the sand. But instead of a ball, the object turned out to be a soft-ball sized eye. So what sea creature did the eye come from? First guess was obviously some kind of giant squid, but marine biologists cross that off the list because of bone surrounding the eye. So what the hell is it?

While my first guess is that it came from the baby alligator I flushed down the toilet as a child when it grew too big and eventually found its way through the sewer, stepping in a pile of radioactive ooze, eventually learning the ways of the ancient art of karate, defending the city from evil and finally passing away at a ripe old age with a burial at sea, it doesn't look like that's plausible.

So yeah, a giant eye that even scientist's don't know what creature it's from is weird. But is it any weirder than these other mysterious objects washed up on shore?

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