Fart Proof Pants? Yes.

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bill-swift - October 24, 2013

What's the biggest problem with pants, (besides the fact that they exist at all)? That they do nothing to stop the smell of farts. When you break wind the stinky air passes right through the fabric to foul the air. Luckily, a new product out of England called Shreddies will put an end to fart smells once and for all. They are made of a special fabric that traps and eliminates odors before they reach the atmosphere. Shreddies was developed with the embarrassment of people with chronic flatulence in mind. Their adverts says,

"Although Shreddies has got cheeky with the new campaign, to many people they still remain very much a healthcare product and have helped so many cope with conditions such as IBS, Crohn's and food intolerances."

I don't know how I feel about this product. On the one hand, I certainly appreciate not smelling farts. It's not something I particularly enjoy. And yet, isn't it a part of nature? I have to wonder if it isn't damaging to the body to fart into some weird fabric that absorbs it. Sounds like something that's going to give you cancer to me.

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