Kardashian Baby Shower Cupcake Exclusive: Chocolate and Vanilla

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Lex Jurgen - June 3, 2013

No, I'm not fucking kidding. This is an exclusive photo of the cupcakes The Kardashians gave away to all the well-wishers who came to genuflect before theĀ future born scourge of the six or seven continents. Chocolate and vanilla side by side, as it is in Kim's bed, so too is it on her cupcakes. And a pink 'K' as the couple revealed to their friends, by way of a pre-announcement publicity deal with E!, that they're having a girl bastard. Kris Jenner is said to be over the moon. And she should be. Kardashian boys are a big fucking financial letdown. Do you really want another Rob in the family? Eats but doesn't earn. No, sir. Give Kris a girl and some rather unevenly enforced age of consent statutes and she can turn a buck with the best of them.

Here's the Kardashian hag sisters, Nene Leakes, Maria Menounos and some others who entered the coven over the weekend.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet, INF, PCN

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