Richard Gere Marries His Half-Life

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elliot-wolf - April 27, 2018

Rich older individuals will do almost anything to feel young again. If you have enough money you can invest in injecting yourself with the blood of cash-strapped college kids who would have only gotten $20 and a sticker if they had donated the same amount to a blood drive. Because when half your life is over and you have millions in multiple accounts, you can fulfill your Nosferatu fantasies and become immortal. Richard Gere may not be traveling down the same road as Paypal Mafia’s Peter Thiel yet but he’s marrying a woman nearly half his age. Which is the cheaper solution for being able to feel youthful without blood transfusions from 20-something-year-olds. That is, until she wants a divorce.

Richard Gere and his Spanish girlfriend Alejandra Silva have tied the knot. Gere, 68, and publicist Silva, 35, first started dating in 2014 and quietly married a few months ago, a source confirmed. This is Gere’s third marriage.

The quest for youth will always cost. Honestly Richard would be better off buying a bunch of sports cars like Jay Leno to rejuvenate the testosterone production instead of putting a ring on it. You’ll almost certainly feel 25 again going grocery shopping in a Ford GT. But will probably instantly remember your age when you’re forced to ask the cart attendant to place your perishables in the passenger seat because your arms are entirely too feeble and frail for that type of repetitive lifting.

Photo Credit: Alejandra Silva from Instagram / Pacific Coast News

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