Gwyneth Paltrow – “You Have This Job Because I’ve Done Yoga Before.”

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Sam Robeson - December 6, 2018


Gwyneth Paltrow actually looks good in the spread accompanying her shart-inducing interview with The Wall Street Journal Magazine. Kinda of reminds you of why Harvey Weinstein was willing to cast her in exchange for sexual favors in the first place. She's just that good looking here. Natural. 70's album cover-y. Definitely worth casting in exchange for blow jobs. But that's where my compliments stop. Because Paltrow just can't seem to turn off the bullshit spigot, and is once again going viral for saying something so elitist and out-of-touch that you just want to scream at her "You fucked Harvey Weinstein's FUPA dick to be here you talentless old bag of bullshit." Or something.

Basically what you need to know is that in the interview Paltrow takes credit for yoga. It's a very the killer is inside the house moment. If I were the interviewer I would have sprayed her with mace. She actually thinks we have her to thank for yoga. And by "we" I obviously mean "Oxy-addicted housewives praying that stretching Lululemon over their asses will garner the male attention that they need to not kill themselves." Paltrow has a screw loose. Probably because of all those penises scrambling around her poor brain. Anywhere here's her quote making the rounds:

I went to do a yoga class in L.A. recently and the 22-year-old girl behind the counter was like, 'Have you ever done yoga before?' ... and I was like, 'You have this job because I've done yoga before.'

And don't say that in slamming Paltrow for taking credit for something as ubiquitous as yoga that people are overreacting. She's a fucking serial killer.


Photo Credit: The Wall Street Journal Magazine

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