This Rubber Stamp is F’cking Fantastic

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bill-swift - August 6, 2013

You can do it with a thumbs-up. You can pat somebody on the back. You can say 'well done!' and a whole bunch of other stuff to express your approval. Or you could forego all of the above and just use this freaking awesome stamp to give something (or someone) your stamp of approval.

Get it? A stamp for your stamp of approval? Hyuk hyuk!

Corniness aside, the F'cking Fantastic stamp is a small, circular, self-inking rubber stamp that lets you express yourself in one quick and easy movement. Just fish it out of your pocket and stamp, stamp, stamp!

Plus, there's a star in the middle. Who doesn't love a star in the middle of an expression of effing awesomeness? Nobody, that's who.

Get It: $4.99

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