Sound of the Dead: Vinyly Turns Dead People’s Ashes Into Vinyl Records

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bill-swift - July 31, 2013

Do zombies like music? I'm not sure. I would think they'd appreciate what And Vinyly is doing to dead people's ashes though, because the company is offering the unusual service of turning dead people's ashes into vinyl records.

Seriously though, you should totally do this if you want to creep out all of your friends and relatives.

For $4,000, you can have Vinyly press your ashes in up to 30 discs. What it plays is entirely up to you. You can continue being a creeper and record a creepier-than-thou message, or just commission a band to come up with a composition that summarizes all that was your life in tracks that add up to a maximum of 24 minutes.

There's an item in the 'Extras' on Vinyly's price guide that's especially...morbid:

Body Parts.

Dig it and get into the groove! If you would still like to be buried when you die, body parts are accepted. (Cremated please!)

The big question is: Who's going to chop you up?

Check It Out: Vinyly

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