Beacuse Think They Can: Sony Sets Release Dates for Third and Fourth ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ Films

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bill-swift - June 18, 2013

Sure, real life spiders generally swallow their prey whole, sometimes two or three in one big gulp? No. That's snakes. And T-rex's. Spiders do something different. Like, eat one damn thing at a time.

Hollywood Reporter confirmed today that Sony, in defiance of good spidey-sense, has officially set release dates for its third and fourth Amazing Spider-Man films -- which will swing into theaters on June 10, 2016, and May 4, 2018, respectively. You guys remember how ridiculously good The Amazing Spider-Man film was, right? Yeah, neither do we. Which is why Sony's decision to be so utterly un-spiderlike and just throw two more sequels out there so soon is so utterly baffling.

We don't doubt Andrew Garfield has the chops to carry four films, nor do we doubt that Emma Stone is attractive enough to be stared at for two hours every other summer, it's just like, tap on the brakes a little bit there, Sony. The first installment was middling at best, so let's just wait and see how the second one pans out, ok?

How much of an attention span does the general public have for Spider-Man? We'll just have to wait three to five years to find out, as its last installment competes with Avengers 8 and Iron Man 7.

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