“Dr. Who” Dalek Found In A Pond. Prepare For Extermination!

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bill-swift - May 24, 2013

When I was a kid my grandfather and I used to watch Dr. Who on PBS, (the old school one with Tom Baker and his White man 'fro). I was terrified of the Daleks. For those of you who weren't virgins until you were 23 and don't know what that is, Daleks are a malevolent cyborg race that is bent on universal domination and are Dr. Who's greatest enemies. So, imagine my horror when I read this story about a dude in England finding the head of a Dalek in a pond. Marc Oakland was helping clean a shallow pond when he felt something by his foot. When he pulled it up it was indeed the decapitated head of one of the dreaded mechanical killers. The easy explanation is that the production was probably filming nearby and the prop fell off of a truck or something and sunk.

Or maybe that's what they want you to think. I always had a notion that Dr. Who was real. I need to get me one of those sonic screwdrivers. And a Tardis. And grow my hair out. And get a goofy scarf. Watch the Daleks in action in the video above. EXTERMINATE!

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