Coming Soon to a Broadway Stage: ‘Rocky: The Musical’…Really

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bill-swift - May 1, 2013

Last year Rocky: The Musical made it's world stage debut in Hamberg, Germany, where it was called Rocky: Das Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung.

No, I'm totally kidding. I think "Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung" means speed limit, or something like that. The Hamberg show was actually called Rocky: Das Musical, and it was wildly successful. So based on the Hasselhoff Theorem, which posits that anything popular in Germany will also be popular in America, the show's producers have decided to bring it to broadway.

So is Rocky: The Musical any good? Well, a lot of talented and successful people are involved in it. The score was written by Stephen Flaherty and Lynn Ahrens (Ragtime) and the story was written by Thomas Meehan (The Producers and Hairspray). So as long as they keep this thing family-friendly and get someone like John Stamos to star as Rocky Balboa, you can expect a pretty successful run. (Have you ever been to Times Square? New York Tourists will buy pretty much whatever you tell them to.)

Anyway, Rocky now joins such Hollywood classics as Ghost, 9 to 5, and Sister Act on the list of films that have been turned into Broadway musicals. And I think we're all hoping they don't stop at Rocky I, right? I know that I, for one, would certainly love to see Rocky III: The Musical, just so they can do an awesome dance to "Eye of the Tiger."

Rocky: The Musical is scheduled to open at the Winter Garden Theater in February of 2014.

H/T – [Billboard]

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