Don’t Mess With Texas: The Most Memorable ‘Texas Chainsaw’ Deaths

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bill-swift - December 28, 2012

There are many reasons why I don't ever drive through Texas on road trips. One) I can never remember the Alamo; Two) I don't like country music; Three) The first time I watched 1974's The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. There's just something about thinking of an inbred hillbilly wielding a chainsaw under a mask made out of human flesh that really makes me squirm in my seat.

The only thing about Freddy that ever scared me was his bad puns and make-up and as I've never been a big hockey fan, Jason just makes me want to change the channel and put a basketball game on. But Leatherface has always operated in much more visceral, disturbing way. He's always been a much more grounded villain, which is why whenever I watch a movie from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, I keep a fresh pair of underoos handy (I'll try not to drink too much water that day if I know ahead of time just in case).

So before I soil myself with the newest addition to the franchise opening on January 4th, Texas Chainsaw 3D, click on the videos above to take a two-dimensional look back at the four most memorable deaths from The Texas Chainsaw series.

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