Check Out the World’s Largest Subwoofer that’s Larger than Life (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - October 7, 2012

This humongous subwoofer won't be able to throw anyone across the room, but it can play tracks with a sound so loud that your heart will be tubthumping to the sound of the beat.

This gigantic speaker was built by some pretty smart dudes from UW for their university's engineering expo. I've built a couple of things to get my own degree in engineering, but obviously nothing of this magnitude.

The team of students was headed by Kyle Hanson and Dan Ludois. We wish they played something worthy enough for something this huge in the video, though. The most impressive thing? They managed to build this monster of a subwoofer with a six-hundred-dollar budget.

Curious as to how they did it? Check out Dan Ludois's website to read about the building process and for more in-the-making pictures!

Tagged in: gear , videos ,

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