Pussy Riot Strikes Back

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bill-swift - August 22, 2012

Russia isn't done punishing Pussy Riot. The government is now searching for the other members of the awful punk rock band. Three of the members were found guilty of hooliganism and sentenced to two years in prison, where I'm sure three art school feminists will fit right in. The other two members of the group ran away faster from the cops after singing a crappy song about Vladimir Putin at Moscow's Christ the Savior cathedral. The girls did have time between being sent to the gulag and sparking an international incident with their goofiness to record a new turd of a single, Putin Lights Up The Fires, which you can see after the jump.

Demonstrations continue with the latest tactic being a cyber attack on the court's website that turned it into a porn site. Music by an equally awful Bulgarian singer, Aziz, was also available. The hacker group Anonymous claimed responsibility, of course. Unfortunately, there was no masked feminist punk rock girl-on-girl action. What a rip-off.

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