Tom Cruise Will Do ‘Top Gun 2’ Under One Condition

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bill-swift - July 29, 2015

Right now Tom Cruise is flying around the globe to promote Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, which by all accounts is another solid effort in the surprisingly durable action franchise. 

However, Mission Impossible 5 is not the Tom Cruise sequel people are most interested in right now. In recent weeks Top Gun 2 has been picking up momentum, with Skydance Productions CEO David Ellison revealing basic plot details and talking about releasing the film in IMAX 3D...even though there's still no script. 

Though all this, it's just been assumed that Tom Cruise would return to play Pete Mitchell, a.k.a. Maverick. But that's not set in stone. Cruise has yet to officially sign on to the project, and he likely won't until the script is finished. 

That said, things are looking pretty good. At the London premier of M:I5 on Saturday, Cruise was asked if he'd like to make Top Gun 2, and he said that he would under one condition—they have to make another homoerotic beach volleyball scene. 

No, just kidding. (Though they definitely should make another homoerotic beach volleyball scene.) Cruise said he's down to make Top Gun 2 so long as they don't use CGI.

"It would be fun. I would like to get back into those jets," he told Reuters. "It would have to be practical. I don't want any CGI jets. I want to shoot it like how we shot the first one."

Makes sense to me. CGI jets are lame. 

Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation hits theaters this Friday, July 31, 2015.

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