Weekend Videos – Funny Stuff from TV

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bill-swift - September 16, 2006

It's the weekend again, and you know that means... Weekend Videos! Well, it doesn't always mean Weekend Videos. Someitmes I'm lazy, and I don't do them, but this week I did, so yay! Anyway, there's some really good stuff here for this weeke's theme of Funny Stuff from TV. No, it's not the best title (and it's not even very accurate), but what do you want from me? It is the weekend after all.

First off is this instant classic from The Daily Show, where with his 9/11 speech.

Last year, when no one was sure what was happening with Dave Chappelle, his show's status was up in the air. I think it would have been great to see .

I few people pointed out this clip to me (including one of the guys over at South Park), so I knew I had to share it will all of you. Check out , a fun parody of Justin Timberlake's new song "SexyBack."

as only Borat can.

If you haven't seen Extras, the new show from the creators of the office, you've got to check it out. One of the best parts is the guest stars they have on each week.

reveals his over-inflated ego.

can't control his hormones.

can't control his hormones either.

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