Ivanka Trump’s Breasts are Trying to Escape

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bill-swift - January 30, 2007

I don't know what it is about the Trump family, but they don't seem to be able to see what's right in front of them. Whether it's Donald Trump's ridiculous hair, or daughter Ivanka Trump's obviously botched boob job, I think this trait must be genetic.

Honestly, you'd think that being a Billionaire would mean you could afford breast implants that wouldn't leave you with a completely lopsided chest, but I guess that isn't the case. Or maybe it's that skewed sense of reality that just doesn't let them think anything could ever be wrong.

Maybe Ivanka should follow another of her father's annoying habits and threaten to sue. The Trumps seem to be good at that.

Check out more of Ivanka Trump and her lopsided breasts after the jump. But do it quickly, it looks like one of them is trying to get away!

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