‘Nymphomaniac’ Has A SFW Trailer, Because You Want To Watch The Trailer For ‘Nymphomaniac’ At Work

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bill-swift - February 15, 2014

Good news for all you worker drones! The SFW trailer for Nymphomaniac has been released. Now, if some pesky HR rep stops by to ask why you're watching a trailer about a compulsive fornicator, just smugly point to the SFW tag and know that you're legally covered, and there's not a damn thing she can do about it. USA! USA! USA!

Nymphomaniac stars Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stellan SkarsgÄrd, Stacy Martin, Shia LaBeouf, Jamie Bell, Christian Slater, Uma Thurman, and Willem Dafoe, among others. It tells the erotic and disturbing life story of Joe, a self described nymphomaniac who has "rebelled against love." I'm sure it has some deep and meaningful insights into the human condition. Either that, or it's just some Eurotrash's excuse to make a smut film. Either way, I'll watch!

Volume I hits VOD March 6 and theaters March 21. Volume II arrives on VOD March 20 and in theaters April 4.

Tagged in: movies , videos ,

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