Your Playstation 3 Needs Tehmeena’s Volleyball Skills and Konsole Kingz Can Help (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - December 20, 2012

Xbox 360 owners can go click somewhere else right now, I want to talk to all the PS3 owners out there. Tehmeena  is a Pakistani model built for fun and comfort and if you can't appreciate the rarity of a woman like this then you're just not paying attention to the world, son.

She's done a PS3 theme for our good friends over at Konsole Kingz and, other than raining down some Hellfire missiles in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, there's nothing better you can do for your Playstation 3 this holiday season than to grab Tehmeena's Konsole Kingz theme and paste that thing onto your console's navigation.

And for what it's worth, Tehmeena's one of those girls worth investigating with your web browser. There's more to her than meets the eye and I mean that in the best way possible.

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