Xbox One Commercial Brings ‘the Best Games of the Year’ and a Little Badassery from Rocky Balboa (VIDEO)

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chris-littlechild - July 24, 2014

Now, in the battle of the successtastic, PS4 has the edge over Xbox One. In terms of, as Wyclef Jean would probably tell you, dollar dollar bills yo. (Read: sales.) You know that, we know that and grandma knows that. As, it seems, do Microsoft themselves.

And here's the House of Xbox themselves, with a big ol' middle finger to the whole situation. The theme of today's commercial is 'nope, we're not effed yet.'

Who embodies that spirit better than Rocky? Nobody, that's who. Here he is, passing on those inspirational words to his son (It ain't about how hard you hit...) against a backdrop of Xbox One's best upcoming releases. Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Sunset Overdrive, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Assassin's Creed Unity are featured in the brief clip.

This was a great concept, right here. We won't even be pernickety and bitch that half of those aren't strictly Xbox One games at all.

Tagged in: videos , xbox one ,

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