Why Ryan Reynolds Is Happy ‘Deadpool’ Has a Tiny Budget

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bill-swift - January 27, 2015

In this day and age, when a movie studio tells you that they are only giving you $50 million to make a superhero movie, it's considered a slap in the face. It cost $220 million to make the first Avengers movie, $225 million to make Man of Steel, and $185 million to make The Dark Knight. How in the hell are you supposed to stand up to those movies with a budget of just $50 million?

Fortunately, nobody involved in Deadpool has a problem with their measly $50 million budget. In fact, the film's star, Ryan Reynolds, says he's actually pleased as punch with the (relatively) miniscule budget.

Here's what he recently said to MTV:

It's been a long time, but it's happened in the right way and that's all that matters. We don't have the kind of money that most superhero movies do, but that's great, actually. Necessity is the mother of invention, and that's why we get to make the movie we want to makeā€¦ You gotta have faith in the people you're working with, and have faith in the prep, and that's all I'm doing. On this one, the prep's been 11 years. 

When Reynolds says, "make the movie we want to make," that's code for "we don't have to make this movie PG-13."

Let me explain. You see, since Fox isn't spending $200 million to make the movie, it doesn't need to make $400 million at the box office to make Fox a big profit. And since it doesn't have to make $400 million at the box office to make Fox a big profit, the film makers don't have to get rid of the all graphic violence and adult language just so little kids can see it.

For serious Deadpool fans, this is fantastic news. To them, a Deadpool without graphic violence and adult language is no Deadpool at all.

Tagged in: deadpool , movies ,

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