When ‘Game of Thrones’ and ‘World of Warcraft’ Collide

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chris-littlechild - September 28, 2016

  It’s funny how easily one nerdly interest can lead to another. One day you’re innocently enjoying a Marvel movie, the next you’re dressed as an elf, brandishing a +9 Longsword of Ishildur in a Dungeons and Dragons game at some comic book store somewhere, bitterly regretting the piss-poor life decisions you make at times.  

It’s a slippery slope, Ego-friends, and there’s no turning back from it. Once you’ve rolled those 12-sided dice and gotten your Norse warrior name (which is always something shit, like Mahalmar the Hairy-assed), you’ve changed forever.

Kristian Nairn knows this better than most. He started off as a dedicated gamer, and now has himself a second life as Mahalmar the Hairy… I mean, Game of Thrones’ Hodor. In a recent interview with Game Informer, he showed us all just how far his gamer e-peen extends (figuratively).

“Oh yeah, I spend way too much of my life playing video games… I’ve been playing since the ZX Spectrum, before that I had Atari computers as well. I’ve always been a gamer,” he said, doing a pretty damn good job of talking the talk if you ask me. That’s some nice retro namedropping there, Hodor.

As for walking the walk? It’s all about World of Warcraft for this guy:

“I’m just so deeply into that game. I’ve been playing since launch and man, it just has me by the balls. It always has had and I think it always will.”

So there it is. There’s also a mention of King of Avalon, which makes it all too clear what kind of stuff Nairn’s into. More on this right here.

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