When ‘Dark Souls III’ Met the Sad Ben Affleck Meme

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chris-littlechild - April 11, 2016

  So. Batman vs Superman, huh? You’ve probably seen it by now, and you probably feel some kind of way about it. The critics sure do.  

Batfleck, pokerfaced don’t-even-crack-a-damn-smile-on-pain-of-death acting, Kryptonite spears, Wonder Woman… it was all happening right here. For better or worse (mostly that second one), the movie crammed three or four different plots into one lengthy shitstorm; one of the most ambitious things that has ever gradually numbed my asscheeks. By the time Luthor started dicking around on the helipad, I thought I had piles.

But anywho, despite the cashtacular the movie’s made, its real legacy is the Sad Ben Affleck meme. During an interview with Henry Cavill about the flick’s poor reception, Affleck said very little, just sitting there with a pained expression on his face. A pained expression that the internet has been enthusiastically snarking on since. 

Even the developers of the so-close-you-can-smell-the-cast-iron-codpieces Dark Souls III are getting in on the action. Late last week, they dropped this doozy of a Tweet:

When you really think about how much you've enjoyed#DarkSouls over the years. — Dark Souls (@DarkSoulsGame) April 7, 2016

The clip is a brilliant death montage from previous Souls games, intercut with Affleck’s miserable-ass face and the song that meme lovers will already know so well. Check it out.

Via GameSpot.

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