This ‘Resident Evil’ Fan Film is the Cheesiest Cheese You’ll See Today

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chris-littlechild - July 15, 2015

Resident Evil has always had a lust for the ham-tastic. No other game series can touch its ballachingly bad b-movie cutscenes. The live action intro to the original game, for instance, contains some of the worst ‘acting' Satan ever thrust out of his anus and committed to celluloid.

Then you get into Stop it! Don't OPEN that DOOR, Jill sandwiches and masters of unlocking, and it's just an all round bad time. Remember that boulder-punching ridiculousness later? Remember it was a huge snake... and also POISONOUS! OUUUUCH!? Of course you do.

Any fan movie based on the series, then, should really channel that same extreme cheesiness. Hammy and cheesy to the max, like a Hot Pocket. A Hot Pocket of pure freaking awful. This one coming at your faces right now ticks all the boxes, so strap yourselves in. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

Thinkbig321‘s When Wesker Met Chris is the kind of thing you'll have to watch a second or third time just to be sure it really happened. The two old foes have a deadly shootout with donuts, a dance-off and the most homoerotic baking session anyone has ever had. It's got that so-bad-it's-good factor, with a heaping helping of madness thrown in. Take a look.

Via Destructoid.

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