This Fridge Only Offers Free Beers to Canadians

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bill-swift - October 26, 2013

It was a sign of ultimate disrespect that inspired some dudes to come up with this fridge. Well, not really. It was more of a very targeted campaign to get some publicity (which it did) and earn the ire of non-Canadians in Europe (which we presume it did.)

You see, this is no ordinary fridge. It's actually locked, and the only way to get it open--and gain access to the free booze inside--is by pushing a Canadian scanner through its built-in scanner. There are a hundred and one reasons why we think this is a bad idea (identity theft, anyone?) but hey, we're not the ones who'll be answering to a lawsuit if this ad campaign falls through.

Apparently, the whole thing was cooked up by the Molson Coors Brewing Company with the goal of selling more Canadian Molson in Europe. If that was their goal, then why only have the fridge open up to Canadians? For crying out loud, it should open for Europeans instead.

Stupid ad people.

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