The Ghosts of ‘Pac-Man’ are Freaking Geniuses, Who Knew?

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chris-littlechild - February 10, 2015

As a general rule, tech from the eighties should stay in the freaking eighties. Failing that, all memory of it should be sealed in concrete and dumped in the ocean somewhere. Cellphones like breezeblocks, big ol' ugly-ass computers like the Macintosh 128K and IBM 5150 (whatever the hell they were)... it was freaking awful all round.

Sure, the decade brought us Thriller, Michael Jackson's spangly glove, DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince and The Smurfs, but that's not enough for us to forgive the Eighties for its horrible tech-tacular.

But hold on there, buddy boy. Some actual science has been dropped on our asses, and it turns out that the humble Pac-Man was way, way more futuristic than anyone thought. You know the deal, of course. Four ghosts cruising around a maze trying to eat your goddamn face right in the face. But those ghosts? They were some smartasses, right there.

You might have heard that Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde were their names, and each behaved differently. But the latest episode of Game/Show shows just how complex these little bastards' behavior was. Their personalities, how they tied in with their Japanese names, and all that good stuff. Check it out below, it has more stalkers, psychics and lazy-asses than you can handle on a Monday morning.

Via Kotaku.

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