The First ‘Dumb and Dumber To’ Trailer Is Hear, and It Is Magnificent

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bill-swift - June 12, 2014

When I first heard about the Dumb and Dumber sequel last summer, I was skeptical. In fact, I am skeptical pretty much any time somebody wants to do a sequel of a movie that's as old as a college student. (Or in the case of Ghostbusters 3, a Ph.D. candidate.) But in this particular case I was especially skeptical—because it's a slapstick comedy, because it's 20 years old, because the movie got pushed around from studio to studio, and because neither Jim Carrey nor the Farrelly Brothers have done anything particularly good in about a decade.

However, they got the movie made, and after seeing the premier of the first trailer last night on The Tonight Show (okay fine, this morning on YouTube), I must say they've made a true believer out of me. From the looks of it, the sequel really has captured the magic of the original. It's childish, offensive, ridiculous, and absolutely disgusting—which is to say, it's perfect.

I will gladly fork over $13.50 to see this movie.

Dumb and Dumber To hits theaters November 14, 2014.

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