Send A Pinatagram To Someone You Love

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Michael Garcia - June 30, 2016

Being Latino no birthday was complete without a piñata. My cousins and friends would take turns whacking a paper maché critter with a bat while blindfolded. It has the benefit of being both unsafe and fun. At the end the beast is finally broken asunder and its candy innards shower from the sky. But as an adult I find that my birthdays are piñataless. In fact my birthday was yesterday and while very nice, it wasn't piñata nice. Luckily, there is a new service that can make all my dreams come true. It is called Piñatagram and it allows you to send a small piñata to a friend or enemy. It comes full of a "mixture of Starbursts, Skittles, Laffy Taffys, and assorted hard candies". Sounds awesome! I don't know if they will fill it with cat feces for your enemies but I guess you could always do that yourself. That's half the fun!

Why do piñatas only have to come out at birthday time? I think we could celebrate all our achievements with a piñata. Got a promotion? Piñata. Cleaned out the garage? Piñata. Finished drinking a soda? Piñata. 

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