Sarah Michelle Gellar Apologizes For Fat Shaming In Stupidest Story Of The Year

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Sam Robeson - November 23, 2018


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I’m just going to pin these up all over my house as a reminder not to overeat on Thursday #thanksgivingprep

A post shared by Sarah Michelle (@sarahmgellar) on

It's a little too early for end-of-year superlatives, but we can go ahead and call this one. Sarah Michelle Gellar has apologized for the stupidest thing of the year. Creating the stupidest celeb story of the year. People craving interaction with celebrities is nothing new, but recently they've found that it's most easily achieved when slamming the celebrity for a PC infraction. You'll either get a clap back or an apology. In this case it's the latter. And man is it stupid.

Sarah Michelle Gellar thirst bucketed hard by posting old pics of herself looking hot with the seemingly innocent caption:

I’m just going to pin these up all over my house as a reminder not to overeat on Thursday #thanksgivingprep

Little did she know she was being an insensitive asshole. Followers attacked her for putting pressure on people to stay thin. For example, someone - who I'm just going to go out on a limb and say has a weight problem - commented:

Is that where you place your value? On the size of your thighs? Or your protruding hip bones? Nothing positive comes from this post.

While another Instagram user chimed in with:

Buffy, please don’t promote diet culture. Not the kind of message we should be sending.

The backlash was enough to prompt Gellar to Insta apologize:

It’s come to my attention that some people think I was ‘fat shaming’ with this post. That could not be further from my intentions. I love Thanksgiving and unfortunately my eyes are often bigger than my stomach, and I tend to eat so much I make myself sick. This was a joking reminder to myself not to do that.

I’m terribly sorry that people were offended by my attempt at humor. Anyone that knows me, knows I would never intentionally ‘shame’ anyone on any basis. I am a champion of all people.

Coincidentally, this is the most publicity Gellar has gotten since the pics were taken in 2007. What does this all mean? We need to get off the damn Internet.

Photo Credit: Instagram

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