Pro Evolution Soccer 13 Tackles gamescom Looking to Reclaim the Football Crown (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - August 16, 2012

Forgive us for using Lionel Messi in the screenshot for Pro Evolution Soccer 13. We know he's the FIFA 13 cover boy, but we like doing hardheaded things like that just to be annoying. What's funny is that Cristiano Ronaldo's game, Pro Evo 13, is currently second banana to Lionel Messi's FIFA Soccer 13. So Messi is the best player the world endorsing the most popular football game in the world while Ronaldo, his hair and his game are great but still not the best.

Enough about soccer stars and their hair. Watch the trailer for Pro Evolution Soccer 13 and see if you can spot the differences in the ball control systems. Hit us on Facebook if you notice anything because we're going to be talking about this game quite a bit.

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