PAX 2016: ‘Beat Cop’ Is the 80s Cop Show You Always Wanted to… Play

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chris-littlechild - April 26, 2016

  When it comes to big ol’ gaming industry shows, E3 is probably the first that comes to mind. It might not be the essential annual nerdvana it used to be, what with all the bitching about it being irrelevant these days and all, but it’s still a thing. As is PAX, the lesser-but-still-damn-massive Penny Arcade Expo.  

As the name implies, there’s a heaping helping of video game goodness on show over PAX way. The show took place in Boston this past weekend, and it’s left quite the impression. They were handing out deodorant at some booths, which probably tells you all you need to know about the scale of the excitable sweaty geek gathering this was. 

The kind of body odor that could stun a T. Rex, I was prepared for. One thing I wasn’t expecting the show to do, though, was give me a warm, happy feeling in my nostalgia-parts. Nevertheless, that’s just what the showcase of Beat Cop did.

Imagine a point and click version of the original Grand Theft Auto, only with the roles reversed. Instead of a homicidal, drug-dealing car thief with no effs to give, you play as a goodly cop. In this retrotacular world, you have limited duties you can perform with the time available to you each day, meaning that the experience and the story itself will change dramatically depending on your actions.

This one’s coming to PC later this year, IGN reports. They’ve also got a quick ogle at the game for us, which is worth checking out:

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