Now It’s Time to Speculate on the Title of ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’

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bill-swift - May 7, 2014

When the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII was announced, movie blogs across the Internet were devastated. But as it turns out, pointless speculation doesn't end with casting, and there are many aspects of film production which are perfect for rumor mongering, including titles.

With that in mind, Ain't It Cool News is reporting that Episode VII's title is The Ancient Fear, and the name is a reference to Max von Sydow's character. According to Harry Knowles, who runs the site, the source for this information is involved with the production, and previously (and correctly) leaked the news that filming was taking place in Abu Dhabi. So unlike some of the more outlandish rumors we've heard thus far, this one has some credibility. That said, production titles change all the time, and the Star Wars franchise has a track record of using fake names as well as making last minute changes (Blue Harvest, Revenge of the Jedi). So even if this rumor does pan out, there's a good chance we'll see the title change before the film hits theaters.

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