Now Alfred’s Kicking Some Ass in ‘Arkham Knight’

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chris-littlechild - August 5, 2015

Oh, Alfred. I always knew you were a closet badass.

It can't be easy, being Alfred Pennyworth. Washing ol' Bruce's undercrackers, repairing the dents that bad dude's faces have left in the Batmobile, keeping the don't-tell-anyone-or-I'll-smash-your-scrote-into-spam secret of what he saw Robin and Batman getting up to together in the Batcave with the baby lotion... it's a hard life.

Granted, he gets all the best lines (that business about some men just wanting to watch the world burn, for instance), and the Internet fame that results. But it's just not enough. Sooner or later, everyone who associates with the Bat is either kidnapped or has to learn to kick some ass themselves. Sometimes both. In Alfred's case, it's that second one.

Yes indeed. As we all know, the PC edition of Batman: Arkham Knight is a real slice of shite just now. It's one hell of a hot mess, so much so that it was recently pulled from sale. But that won't stop modders having their wicked way with the game. And if there's anything that will redeem it, it's probably a mod that lets you kick seven shades of ass as Alfred.

It's just a re-skin, natch, but it's a sight to behold. Be the Butler, the mocktastic showcase video entreats us. I sure as hell don't mind if I do. Check it out below:

Via GamerHeadlines

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