NerdTendo GameBooze Flask: Ready to Booze Up?

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bill-swift - July 19, 2013

You don't have to be a die-hard gamer to love the concept of the NerdTendo GameBooze flask. It's essentially a flask for your booze and poison of choice, all decked out in Gameboy fashion. A bunch of people will probably shoot you curious glances and some might even stare, because where else can you see a guy guzzling from a Gameboy?

Of course, it's clear that the GameBooze isn't the handheld console if you take a closer look at it, but I'm sure it'll definitely fool a lot of people at first glance.

The GameBooze is handmade. A high-quality stainless steel flask is basically wrapped with a vinyl material and high-quality adhesive all around it.

They've been selling like hotcakes so they're currently available for pre-order only.

Check It Out: $20

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