Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis Have Sex – Angry, Aggressive Sex

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bill-swift - August 21, 2009

On the list of all time sexual fantasies, you'd be hard pressed to top Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis having angry, aggressive sex, and that's just what we're going to see in their next movie Black Swan, directed by Darren Aronofsky. Yes, that's right, not only is there a sex scene, but it's an "angry, aggressive sex" scene, reports ScriptShadow, a script review blog.

...Because in this movie, Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis have sex.

Yeah. You read that right. And not just nice sweet innocent sex either. We're talking ecstasy-induced hungry aggressive angry sex. Yeah so...this movie is already on the must-see list of 2010.

So, set your countdown clocks a-runnin', because there is officially no more hotly anticipated movie than Black Swan. Now, if they could just find a place for Megan Fox, and turn it into an angry, aggressive Lesbian threesome, well, I think that would be the crowning achievement of our civilization.

There's no word on whether the sex scenes will show Natalie or Mila nude, but given Natalie Portman's steadily increasing penchant for stripping down, a little collective prayer couldn't hurt. And speaking of Natalie Portman nude, here are her best skin scenes thus far, for Hotel Chevalier, and Closer.

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