Mischa Barton Has No Ass

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bill-swift - September 6, 2006

Mischa Barton may be rich and famous, but apparently, she's unable to afford a mirror. Not only is her outfit pretty much the ugliest thing I've ever seen (why would anyone wear those shorts?), but it's extremely unflattering on her as well.

From the front, she looks like an emaciated hunger victim, while from the back, it looks as though all the fat that should be plumping up her ass has slid into the back of her thighs. We've seen Mischa's cottage cheese legs before (and I wish we didn't have to see it again), but it's still kind of unbelievable.

The only saving grace is the fact that Mischa's horrible wife-beater undershit is pretty much see-through. Say what you will about her, Mischa looks pretty good from the waste up, and showing off your breasts makes any bad outfit at least a little bit better.

More pictures (including close ups) of Mischa Barton, her awful fashion sense, and flat ass after the jump.

Photo credit: X17

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