Melania Trump’s Rep Furious Over T.I.’s Melania Nude Stripping Music Video

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Sam Robeson - October 17, 2018


Welcome to the Oval Orifice. Everyone's favorite Slovenian pornstar turned international hooking sensation turned First Lady Melania Trump is the subject of rapper T.I.'s upcoming music video, and the teaser already has Melania's team up in arms. The video features a woman - who looks like a pornstar version of Melania, which is saying something - stomping into the Oval Office wearing only her infamous "I don't fucking give a fuck" green army-inspired jacket. She then strips down, baring at least her ass as she dances for dollars on the president's desk. Melania's rep first tweeted:

How is this acceptable? #disgusting #boycottT.I.

Before adding:

Like it or not, she is the First Lady and this is the White House. It's disrespectful and disgusting to portray her this way simply because of politics.

We do like it. A lot. If Melania was able to stomach taking Trump's FUPA dick for a spin then she really is the hardest working immigrant in America. Her immigration story encapsulates everything that makes this country great, and anyone jealous of her achievement of the American dream is just a h8er. I've tried fucking my way to the top. Nobody wants it. If any of us looked like Melania but were limited to her very basic grasp of the English language and therefore barred from most jobs, we'd have her exact same stateside career trajectory. And to use Melania's history as an excuse to sexualize her - especially now that she's both the First Lady and a mother -  in a music video is simply unacceptable. Do better. No. Be Best.

Head HERE to see the NSFW-ish music video

Head HERE to see Melania Trump's tits

Photo Credit: Twitter via TMZ / Getty Images / MEGA

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