“Lord Of The Rings” Characters Sing Y.M.C.A

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bill-swift - August 10, 2013

When I got married I gave my DJ a shortlist of songs he was absolutely not to play and Y.M.C.A was at the top of that list. The Village People's disco anthem about gay love at the Young Men's Christian Association is a staple of weddings, school dances, and sporting events. Everyone knows how to do the dance, so you can't feign lack of dancing ability as an excuse. Perhaps I would have played it at my nuptials if this version sung by characters from The Lord of The Rings was around back then. It kind of makes sense in an odd way. I'm not saying that the hobbits are as gay as the leather daddy in The Village People...but they aren't exactly totally straight, are they? Frodo and Sam look like John Wayne compared to Orlando Bloom as Legolas, though.

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