Let’s go on the Road With ‘The Crew’ for Some High-Speed Badassery (VIDEO)

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chris-littlechild - August 26, 2014

Yes, The Crew. We know. Your message is plain: when there are vehicles to be driven at reckless, shit-your-pants speeds, you're the game to call. Since the earliest PR-tastic trailers, you've shown your drivetastic cajones and we've loved you for them.

But this is no time for lazy-ass laurel resting. Whatever laurels are. The Crew's November 11 release is approaching, and the hype train doesn't stop for anyone. So feast your eyes, ears and butts on this latest from the game, as it demands you part with a little cashtacular later in the year.

From what we've seen so far, it's all seemed rather one-dimensional. We drive cars, and we drive them pretty goddamn fast. It's all about the driving and the fast, right here. Can you spot an inch of The Crew that doesn't have a fast car in it? No, no you can't. We might have to cancel our pre-order, there are just too many effing cars.

But fear not, young Padawan. It's not just a balls-out racer. Mostly, granted, but not entirely. Behold the first in the ‘On the Road with The Crew' promo series, which shows the extent of the free-roamy overworld and the social aspects.

Tagged in: the crew , videos ,

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